Trust The Care of Your Loved One To Swindon's Dementia Care Experts

Are you facing this incredibly difficult decision?

The chances are if you’re reading this then you're facing one of your most difficult decisions – to put your loved one ‘into a care home’.

Perhaps this has come to a head because you've come to the sad realization that coping at home is simply no longer possible. After all, caring for someone with dementia is very demanding, especially as their symptoms develop.

Or maybe some specific incident has occurred that's made it painfully clear that they need 24 hour care and supervision and it’s no longer practical for you to provide it.

Whatever the reason you may well be feeling that you've somehow let them down by having to place them in a care home. Or maybe you're concerned that they won’t get the same love, care and attention that you give them at home.

It's a tough one for your loved one too

The realization that they are going to have to leave their home and move into full time care can be a terrifying prospect for your loved one too. They may have all sorts of fears like:

  • Losing control of their lives
  • Not knowing anyone or having any friends
  • They won't like the food
  • There'll be no privacy anymore
  • They'll no longer be able to keep their hobbies and pastimes

Why residential care at Quarry Mount could just be the best possible option for your loved one

Choosing the right care home for your loved one is a vitally important decision, especially when they have dementia and may not be able to make their own views fully clear.

We believe at Quarry Mount we have created the perfect place for those living with dementia to experience the very best in life.

Here's why.

1. Quarry Mount is a specialist dementia home

Caring for people who have dementia is what we do so our staff have build up an encyclopaedia of practical knowledge and experience in providing the very best dementia care. We have experienced just about every type of dementia behaviour there is and so we now know the best ways to deal with them to keep your loved one calm and safe

2. We have double rooms

Now it might seem odd to list double rooms as one of the reasons to choose this home. However, it's important to remember that someone living with dementia sees the world differently to you and I.

The reality is for many who have been used to sharing a room, being suddenly alone can bring on feelings of loneliness and even stress and anxiety.

We've found that sharing a room with someone else helps them to feel more comfortable and at home which helps them to feel more relaxed, sleep better and generally feel more happy and secure.

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3. We provide a wider range of engaging and stimulating dementia specific activities

Our Activities Coordinator has devised a series of innovate and stimulation activities specially designed to help those with dementia to live a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

So your loved one will be able to interact with animals, experience nature, garden in our secure garden, visit interesting places, join in with our sing-a-longs, do various crafts & games and enjoy our visiting entertainers.

There’s always something interesting and engaging happening at Quarry Mount!

4. Quarry Mount really does have a genuine homely, familiar, family feel with real warmth

Enormous new ‘Premier Inn’ style homes with many rooms are all the rage at the moment.

And while they may provide great showroom appeal they come with the following major drawbacks for the care of those with dementia:

  • It's impossible for the staff to really get to know all the residents when there are so many staff and residents in the home.

    Quarry Mount's ideal 26 bed size means all our staff know our small community of residents very well. This means they get to truly understand everyone's individual needs, resulting in much better personalised care.
  • The newly build homes tend to be very large and anonymous with all corridors and rooms looking the same. This is makes them hard to navigate and is a recipe for confusion and anxiety for those living with dementia who need to be able to clearly identify and understand all areas of the home.

    Quarry Mount has been specially adapted to make it easy for people living with dementia to find their way around and to recognize each room and it’s purpose.
  • It’s hard for a large home with so many staff to recruit consistently excellent people.

    At Quarry Mount we have an excellent staff to resident ratio, very loyal staff and low staff turnover. This all combines to help us provide such exceptionally high levels of care.

Here's what we recommend you do now

There is only so much looking at a website can tell you. We hope ours has given you a glimpse into the life your loved one will enjoy at Quarry Mount.

However, the best way to find out if we're a good fit for you is to come and visit. You are most welcome to visit any time and the kettle is always on so why not pop in and take a look. If you have any questions or would like to arrange an appointment with the Home Manager for a confidential chat about your requirements, please call us on 01793250455 or click here to email us.

Would you like a brochure?

Please click on the button below to request your brochure

In the meantime if you have any questions or quries please done hesitate to call us on 01793250455

We look forward to meeting you soon!

P.S. Quarry Mount is a very popular home so to avoid disappointment please call to make sure a place is available before making a special journey to see the home.